Sunday, 20 January 2013

Five nutrients to kill fats

In the high fashion technological era, the lifestyle of food habits has completely changed and the population prefers unhygienic food for the purpose of style without understanding the after effects. However, it has already been brought into light and most of the population around the globe is suffering from obesity. Now, it is the time for the weight loss supplements (chitosan to best fish oil) that are already sky rocketing with number of brands and huge costs in the market. However, weight loss supplements have a positive role in shedding your excess cholesterols and fats. There are certain things to be checked for before choosing a supplement.

Always looks for a supplement, whether it comprises of all the valuable ingredients or not that fulfill your needs. Is it safe to use or does it has any side effects? There are some of the questions one has to ask himself/herself. Some of the nutrients that play crucial role in shedding your fats are discussed as follows:

Hydroxycitric Acid: A salt derived obtained from rind dry fruit. Traditionally it has been used in the alleviation of gastric problems. Clinical evidences support the effectiveness of this nutrient in reducing fat absorption, increased metabolism, appetite loss and reducing harmful cholesterols.

Chitosan: A component of shells is a fiber rich nutrient. It has been proved to reduce low cholesterol lipid levels and reduces absorption of fat similar to the best fish oil nutrient used for weight loss.

Fish oil: Fish oil has been known since ancient times and its benefits for human health are unlimited. As a weight loss supplement it has been an absolute and best ingredient. It directly acts on the sensory organs of appetite control. Hence, best fish oil can be a valuable option in the management of obesity.

Beta Glucan: This isa soluble fiber obtained from fungal and algae substances. It is available in various forms and show effect in reducing cholesterol levels. The additional benefit apart from weight loss is diabetes control.

Whey protein: It has applications not only in gaining muscles but also acts as an appetite suppressor.

These five nutrients are valuable constituents of weight loss supplements, among which best fish oil, can be more worthy and play greater role constituting in every other weight loss supplement. Proper usage as per the directions of healthcare provider or as per the instructions given on the labeling is beneficial to attain optimal weight at a short span of time.

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